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Lord, I know that you are perfect. I know that you hold everything together and that you preside over all things.

Lord, I know you can be trusted.

I know you work all things together for my good and your glory. I know that pain, suffering, sickness and death are sings and symptoms of a world impacted by the fall.

I know that you are a God who can heal. I know you delight in healing.

I also know it’s not always your will to heal.

I pray for my friends and family members who are suffering with illness. Would you restore where you will to restore, would you bring healing if that’s your will. Lord would you end pain when pain seems so unnecessary?

I pray for those who have been told they won’t get better that you will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Thank you Jesus that you care about the sick and the broken.

I pray you would dray near to those I know who are suffering Holy Spirit, that you would minister to them in a time of need.

Jesus, I trust you to heal, wether that me now, later or in eternity.
